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Appliance Repair Direct Limited

Why do I need a Fixed Term Plan?

Most homes these days are packed with gadgets and appliances. From washing machine/tumble dryers to dishwashers and PCs to home entertainment systems, the list is endless. But with so many time-saving or labour-saving devices in our homes, are you adequately protected in case things go wrong?

View Packages & Prices

We offer a range of packages and prices to suit you

Appliance Repair Direct Limited

Why Choose Us?

We're confident that our Fixed Term Plans offer the most security at the best price. All of our plans offer the following as standard:

Fast Service

We get there fast with tools and spares onboard.

Guaranteed Repairs

All work provided by our company comes guaranteed.


Any home, anywhere in Hong Kong, guaranteed.

Unlimited Service

We never limit the amount of repairs we carry out.

Repair or Replace

If your appliance cannot be fixed, we'll replace it.

200+ Contractors Nationwide