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Appliance Repair Direct Limited's Complaints & Resolutions Policy

  1. Purpose
    The purpose of this policy is to outline the procedures for raising complaints regarding the services provided by Appliance Repair Direct Limited. and the subsequent resolutions we strive to offer our customers.

  2. Scope
    This policy applies to all customers who have received services or interacted with Appliance Repair Direct Limited.

  3. Policy Statement
    At Appliance Repair Direct Limited., we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality of service. We acknowledge, however, that sometimes things can go wrong. When they do, we want to know so we can rectify the situation promptly and learn from our mistakes.

  4. How to Raise a Complaint

  • All complaints should be raised as soon as possible after noticing the issue.
  • You can make a complaint through any of the following channels:
  1. Information Needed
    To expedite the resolution process, please provide:
  • Your name and contact information.
  • A detailed description of the complaint.
  • The date and location of the service in question.
  • Any other relevant details or evidence.
  1. Acknowledgement of Complaint
    Once we receive your complaint, we will:
  • Acknowledge its receipt within 2 working days.
  • Assign a dedicated complaint handler who will be your main point of contact until resolution.
  1. Investigation
  • We will conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding your complaint.
  • Depending on the nature of the complaint, this process can take up to 10 working days.
  1. Resolution
    Upon completion of the investigation:
  • We will provide you with a detailed response, including our findings and any proposed solutions or remedial actions.
  • If we are at fault, we will endeavour to rectify the situation to your satisfaction, whether it be a service re-do, compensation, or any other appropriate measure.
  1. Continuous Improvement
    Appliance Repair Direct Limited. maintains a record of all complaints to identify recurring issues and implement procedures to prevent them in the future.

  2. Privacy and Confidentiality
    All complaints and the information provided will be handled confidentially in line with GDPR regulations.

  3. Review
    This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains effective and relevant to our operations and customer needs.